
High Five For Friday

High Five For Friday

Alright... we made it, HELLLOOOO  Friday! Friday has always been my favorite day of the week, by far. Seems only right that we give it a nod every time it comes around. Lauren @ From My Grey Desk had a brilliant idea to end each week with your top 5 favorite things from the last week, and I happen to agree that it's a lovely way to think back and be thankful for wonderful weekly blessings.

So.. here is my High Five For Friday!

1. My baby boy turned 3 months on Wednesday. Not only is he a great sleeper, and overall super happy baby, but he just LOVES to smile and coo. We have little chit chats now about life, and judging by his expression... he is thoroughly enjoying himself. I mean, just look at this face.

2. We discovered Sweet Frog froyo! I have a serious love for ice cream, and this place rocks! If you've seen them popping up everywhere (and I have) there's good reason. Give it a try, you won't be sorry.

3. My girly girl, Katie Reese. Just check out my little sass walking around in Mama's heels. Enough said. 

4. My boy is reading. Cole's preschool teacher gave us books a few weeks back and he just took off. We practice each night before bed and he amazes me! Today while dropping him off at school she told me that she has a special surprise for him to do at the preschool graduation. Just so proud of my little man. 

5. Finally decided on a new bed for the master bedroom remodel. Have I mentioned I love decorating?? Still debating between the queen and the king. King would be great for family snuggle time, but then again... do we really need that much room?? I don't know. But I love this bed.

Hope you all have a spectacular weekend!!! 



hello you classy blog you

So, epic first post, here we go!

Well... we're finally settled into our new abode. Yes, we actually moved in over a month ago on St. Patty's day... swapping green beer and crowded bars for boxes and heavy lifting. But, with the plethora of visitors we've had and a quick out of town trip there has been VERY little(no, actually z.e.r.o) time to actually settle in and make this place feel like home. That is exactly what my hermit self has done the last week. SETTLE. Yup. Starting to feel a little bit like a hermit, but after what feels like a billion years of being out of room or packed into boxes and completely out of routine... we are getting into a "normal" schedule. Yeah, air quotes because with Cole, Katie, and just turned 3 month old Ben we are still redefining our "normal." :)

Took this picture on a beautiful spring day last week... my azalea's are in full bloom. A beautiful, bright, pink-- my favorite! So many projects in the works for both the outside and inside. We did get our garden in a few weeks ago. The kids were all too excited to accompany Jeff to the store to pick out what was getting planted. Such adorable little helpers. We've already had a few sprouts, and here's hoping our recent (and random) cold fronts aren't doing the rest of them in! My little gardener's would be so disappointed. 

Up next on the agenda is making some flower beds and getting my annuals planted. Then we tackle redecorating the master bedroom. Totally going to try my hand at resurfacing and distress painting our dressers. I like to really pretend I'm a DIY kinda chick... but I've never tackled a project this big before. Have you tried this??? If you're DIY savvy and have done this before leave me a comment. I'd love to hear how you did it!!

Lastly, made a super yum snack for the kids today. After nap time munchies set in and I realized that our house is out of anything I would deem decent for snack food ( read: we have only Easter candy left! haha!) I set off to find a simple recipe for banana muffins. I came across an adorable blog called Mommy Hates Cooking . (Too cute, right??) Follwed the recipe and voila! Delicious, super easy, chocolate chip banana muffins! The only change I made was substituting honey for the sugar. Turned out amazing, kids (and hubby) gobbled them up! A success in my book.

Alright... high five for first post, loves!!