
High Five For Friday

High Five For Friday

Alright... we made it, HELLLOOOO  Friday! Friday has always been my favorite day of the week, by far. Seems only right that we give it a nod every time it comes around. Lauren @ From My Grey Desk had a brilliant idea to end each week with your top 5 favorite things from the last week, and I happen to agree that it's a lovely way to think back and be thankful for wonderful weekly blessings.

So.. here is my High Five For Friday!

1. My baby boy turned 3 months on Wednesday. Not only is he a great sleeper, and overall super happy baby, but he just LOVES to smile and coo. We have little chit chats now about life, and judging by his expression... he is thoroughly enjoying himself. I mean, just look at this face.

2. We discovered Sweet Frog froyo! I have a serious love for ice cream, and this place rocks! If you've seen them popping up everywhere (and I have) there's good reason. Give it a try, you won't be sorry.

3. My girly girl, Katie Reese. Just check out my little sass walking around in Mama's heels. Enough said. 

4. My boy is reading. Cole's preschool teacher gave us books a few weeks back and he just took off. We practice each night before bed and he amazes me! Today while dropping him off at school she told me that she has a special surprise for him to do at the preschool graduation. Just so proud of my little man. 

5. Finally decided on a new bed for the master bedroom remodel. Have I mentioned I love decorating?? Still debating between the queen and the king. King would be great for family snuggle time, but then again... do we really need that much room?? I don't know. But I love this bed.

Hope you all have a spectacular weekend!!! 



  1. Your children are beautiful!

    I say go with the queen. When the whole family is not is the bed with you then it will feel like you are so far away!

    1. Hi suzy! I agree... that is the dilemma! We are squished in there with the kiddos in our current queen, but I love snuggling up to the hubby at night. I fear in a king we would never run into each other again :) Love your blog!

  2. Your kids are too cute! Love your little boys outfit, especially the hat!

    1. Hah, yes this boy loooves his hat. Picked it out just for Easter and now he won't take it off. Have a great weekend!

  3. Good headboard choice! My husband and I have a king...we got a super good deal on the mattress, otherwise we would've stuck with our double. We love having the option to not be crammed together though, especially when it's hot out! And you're right, it would be a good family snuggle. Happy Friday!

    1. Jayda, love your blog!! Thanks for reading. Happy Friday!!

  4. Your kids are beautiful. and Sweet Frog is awesome. I think I may need to make a trip there tonight!

  5. Your kids are so adorable- sounds like it's been a great week for you! :)

  6. Your family is beautiful! My recommendation would be to definitely get the king sized bed. Plenty of room for family snuggles and bonding time :) Happy Friday! xoxo

  7. 1. Ben has changed SO much - excited to see you all this month!
    2. Ate at Sweet Frog's in FL - love it!! didn't like the orangesicle though - cheesecake!
    3. That shirt looks familiar =) she is such a cutie
    4. love it, love it, love it
    5. If Jeff likes to cuddle then go with a queen

    I am loving the blog!
