
Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

A full day to celebrate Mother's! They love us, take care of us, protect us, nurture us, help us, encourage us. Today I am celebrating with my beautiful family, celebrating and enjoying the joys of being a young Mom to 3 beautiful children. But I am also celebrating my gorgeous Momma, who poured her heart and soul into my brother and I; my mother in-law, who raised my sweet hubby to be the amazing man, and husband, and father he is; my beautiful friends, who taught me so much about being a mother myself; and the countless other mother's who have impacted and enriched my life through the years, shaping the woman I have become. The world is better because of mom's. Today is the day to celebrate them, each and every one you know, for the amazing love they pour into our lives. 

Me and my beautiful Mommy, circa 1990

My beautiful family (minus Ben, who was sleeping) this morning presenting me with my special surprises and breakfast. 

Happy Mother's Day!


  1. this is such a sweet post. thank goodness for mothers!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Alicia!!!

    I have nominated your blog for the Liebster Award. You can see the details on my blog dashingtales.blogspot.com

    ♥ Ashley
