
High Five For Friday!

Wow! Ok, well... a Monday post turned into a Friday post, but it's been a busy week so you'll have to bare with me :)

Linking up with Lauren again @ From my Grey Desk for her weekly high five for Friday!

Here's this week's highlights!


We had the most relaxing, awesome family weekend. Like, for real. Those weekends where by the end you just feel recharged and in tune with each other afterwards. That was our weekend. Saturday we "slept in (read: 8am with 3 kids) and had a yummy family breakfast before headed to the grocery store. The forecast for the day was only mid-50s and some rain, but once we got back from the grocery store and it was still dry Jeff suggested we make a trip out to an awesome local farm to go strawberry picking with the kids. So... we did! We fed the kiddos lunch, invited our lovely new neighbors to join us on our picking adventure, and then set out to the farm. I'm definitely not a farm girl, but there is just something about being out there with my kids, watching them play around in the mud and dirt, eat ripe, red strawberries right off the plant, and come home filthy and red-stained and happy, that makes me not care about the mess. When we got home we ate a quick dinner and threw the little angels in the tub. While they were swimming in our massive master bath tub (no, really... it could easily fit 3 adults) I was playing with Ben and came across old 'I Love Lucy' reruns! SCORE! I am just a complete sucker for old shows and movies. Lucy is one of my favorites. I love that my kids have never seen it, because when they got out of the tub and we put them into their snuggly, warm pjs it was too cute to watch them watch it. I especially love that they don't understand why the show has no color! It was humor that is so straightforward they could understand it, and we were all too happy to get a break from the usual kid friendly options of Disney and Dora. We took the kids downstairs to cuddle under a big blanket and watch Lucy while we whipped up some ice cream sundaes with fresh cut strawberries. Just sitting there all together with our ice cream, snuggled up under our big blanket while the rain started, I couldn't help but feel so blessed. I love our family days, and I love that I married a man who is as in love with that family time as I am. 


So... after picking 2 huge baskets of berries, I set to making my annual jars of jam. Last year we made 12 jars and gave away 4. It didn't last much into the fall with the way our kids eat it, so this year I decided to make a few more. 2 hours later, we now have 17 jars of jam. Here's hoping that will last a while. Everyone in this house loves jam, and having fresh, homemade, strawberry jam was a definite highlight.


Finally got back to a healthy diet and gym routine this week. Let me tell you, with each baby it gets harder and harder to get back into shape. I'm determined. With Cole it only took 4 months to get back to pre-pregnancy weight, and by 7 months post-partum I had lost an additional 30 pounds. With Katie it took about 6 months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. So, lots of work ahead, but it felt soooo good to get a good sweat going and wake up feeling muscles I had forgotten about. Back to the gym today. Hot weather is definitely motivating!!


Got a super cute new nail polish this week. I've been loving bright, summery looking polishes lately and this was no exception. Essie's Poppy Razzi Collection in Camera. The entire collection is great for summer. 


I discovered this week that MTV2 shows reruns of Saved by the Bell and Boy Meets World! As a child of the 90s... this made me really happy! LOL. Yes, it's definitely the little things :)

Hope you all had a great week and enjoy a beautiful weekend!!!


1 comment:

  1. I am loving your blog! I made cute comments on all 3 last night, but they didn't attach. This is another test =)
